Can I change or cancel my order?
Unfortunately we are not allowing order cancellations at this time. Due to the volume of orders being placed, shipping labels are sometimes made within 30 minutes of placing your order. Please ensure all details are correct before placing your order.
When will I receive my item(s)?
All items should be received within 5-12 business days (USA - dependent on what shipping speed was selected) from when the shipment is PICKED up (As labels are made the same day or sooner, please allow 2-4 business days for the initial scan to show on the tracking page).
International orders will take 7-20 business days depending on your location. If your order takes more than 30 business days to arrive (from the date of shipment) please contact us.
Standard Shipping: 7-12 business days
Do you deliver products Internationally?
Yes we deliver worldwide. Please proceed through our checkout to see the shipping costs to your location.
When will my item ship?
All items are subject to a handling period before they are dispatched. Orders leave our facility within 3-5 business days of payment. We will notify you by email when your items have been shipped out from our facility.
How secure is my personal information?
The Chill Pill adheres to highest industry standards to protect your personal information when you checkout and purchase from our online store.
Your credit card information is encrypted during transmission using secure socket layer (SSL) technology, which is widely used on the Internet for processing payments. Your credit card information is only used to complete the requested transaction and is not subsequently stored.